The Vapir Digital Vaporizer
This is the vaporizer that will certainly change the way things are done in the world of vaporizers. Introduced in 2002,
the Air-2 (Vapir) Digital Vaporizer uses microchip technology inside a space age plastic body and has single handedly
revolutionized vaporization technology. One can only assume that within the near future there will be many more
herbal vaporizers that use this kind of technology to increase the user's control over the vaporization experience. The
microcontroller inside the unit controls the ceramic heating element (very high tech), which will last longer than
conventional heating elements, in a more precise manner. Total time the element is on is limited to 20 minutes so that
no undue stress is placed on the heating element and maximizing the lifetime of the unit. The microcontroller also allows
the user to precisely control the vaporization temperature. This is probably the best feature of the Vapir. The user can
recreate the best temperature they have found for each herb / herbal combination simply by setting the unit to whatever
temperature works best for them.
You may be thinking that using a Vapir vaporizer
is the wave of the future. You are correct. We have a corded and cordless unit and both work great. If you are planning on
buying the cordless unit, I would recommend buying the supercharger and probably the car charger as well. This little beast
can use up the batteries pretty quickly. But, that is the price you pay for being able to have a cordless vaporizer. As far
as I know, there are no other cordless electronic vaporizers on the market.
Another cool feature of the Air-2 unit is its design. Made from space age plastic (in some cool colors), the unit just plain
looks neat. Like the Vapor Brothers unit, it has a built in light to add a little "mood" to your vaporization session. I believe
all of the lights are blue on the vapir units where as the Vapor Brothers units come with different color lights.
Most people don't have any idea what the Vapir unit does. But, once you tell them that it is the wave of the future in
aromatherapy devices, they want one themselves. Here is a picture of a cordless Vapir herbal vaporizer:
For those of you who are interested in the different models of vaporizers out there, I would recommend reading
the review done in January of 2003 at www.vaporwarehouse.com.
They review 3 of the top selling vaporizers on the market: The Air-2 Vapir unit, the Vapor Brothers Vaporizer and
the BC unit by Rollies. Differnt heating methods such as convetion vaporization
and remote heating vaporization are discussed as well.
We hope this brief explanation helps you on your quest for information about vaporizers. We would like
to add that the vaporization of herbs has not been approved by the FDA to the best of our knowledge and
using any of this information or products listed in this article is at your own risk.