The Inspector Vapors Vaporizer
This is a brand new unit to market (early 2003). The unit combines the smoothness found with a water pipe,
yet uses the smokeless technology of vaporization. Popularized by Eagle Bill in Amsterdam, this technique
allows you to use a glass water pipe rather than a stand-alone vaporizer. Inspector Vapor's creator, TILO,
formerly the rapper in Methods of Mayhem, is marketing this kit, which includes a 14" crooknecked water
pipe, a large 3" deep glass bowl and a 1,200 watt hair dryer-shaped heat gun. This all comes packaged
neatly inside an 18" long padded and lockable aluminum travel case.
We are awaiting our inspector vapors vaporizer, but as soon as we have received it and put it through
its paces for a trial period, we will be sure to place a write up here on this site. We do have a nice
picture though:
For those of you who are interested in the different models of vaporizers out there, I would recommend reading
the review done in January of 2003 at
They review 3 of the top selling vaporizers on the market: The Air-2 Vapir unit, the Vapor Brothers Vaporizer and
the BC unit by Rollies. Differnt heating methods such as convetion vaporization
and remote heating vaporization are discussed as well.
We hope this brief explanation helps you on your quest for information about vaporizers. We would like
to add that the vaporization of herbs has not been approved by the FDA to the best of our knowledge and
using any of this information or products listed in this article is at your own risk.